miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

GQ:Meet the Nike+ Fuelband

I wouldn't say I'm a lazy guy: I walk a fair amount, bike a little on the weekends, and like Cary Grant I take the stairs, but (like many) my days also involve sitting at a computer for 10+ hours, and as a result, Nike's new Fuelband scares the crap out of me. Just having something on my wrist that's a constant reminder of what I haven't done today, well it's enough to send my neurosis into a spin cycle.
The new technology is based around a universal currency for activity: NikeFuel. The more you're active the more NikeFuel you compile (hint: set goals, meet them, turn the lights on the band green over the course of each day), and you can share your results digitally with the world via social media, which in that romantic ad campaign way means the wannabe baller shorty in Chi town can measure himself against MJ. It's a great ideology: getting people more active is a world-beating aspiration, and while others have gone for a similar concept, Nike's resources have allowed for the total package: brilliant design (it's Apple pretty), and seamless functionality. So where does that leave the drone at the desk sitting on a string of red LEDs? With a whole lot more to accomplish when he punches out. Yeah, I'm a little terrified of the Nike+ Fuelband, but frankly, my New Years Resolutions aren't exactly, well, happening. And the only competition I engage in on a daily basis is beating some other web writer to a shoe exclusive. I guess I need this thing. See you in line?
$149. Pre-orders began last week. All the info you need can be found here.

Read More http://www.gq.com/style/blogs/the-gq-eye/2012/01/every-lazy-dudes-nightmare-meet-the-nike-fuelband.html#ixzz1kT3TzynX

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